Question about our dumpster rentals?

We offer 15 Yard, 20 Yard and 30 Yard dumpsters.

You can see our dumpster pricing and sizes on our Dumpster Rental page.

You get 7 days with any dumpster rental. Call us when you are ready for pickup. We currently do not offer automatic pickups.

If you’d like to extend it you can for a small fee of $10/day. If you’d like us to pick it up earlier, just give us a call! 

Yes! Just give us a call.

This depends on what you’re using it for. Most customers looking for a home clean-out dumpster go with the 15-Yard and most construction companies go with a 30-Yard dumpster for their project. You can call us or submit our contact form with some details so we could recommend a size for your needs.

Our list of unacceptable material includes: hazardous waste, dirt, industrial waste, chemical products, oil filters, herbicides & pesticides, radioactive material, solvents, paint (except completely dried latex paint cans, no liquids), other flammable liquids, aerosol cans, propane tanks, motor oil, transmission oil/lubricating/hydraulic oil/oil filters, contaminated oils (mixed with solvents, gasoline, etc.), antifreeze, appliances, petroleum-contaminated soil/lead paint chips, tires, batteries, computers, monitors, televisions, microwaves, fluorescent tubes, railroad ties, medical waste, asbestos, animals, barrels, mattresses all liquids.

If these things are found in the dumpsters, we will still accept it, but will have to charge extra per-item fees that are in turn charged to us during the disposal process.

You can pay with a check, cash or any major card.

Per availability! Give us a call to confirm.